My hobby is painting and I do it often. I am red, the color of the sun and I like the sun and sea. I am also a gamer, I like online battles and strategy games. I am an erotic model because I love erotic photos. I have a huge collection of art photography. It really drives me and I am enjoying to pose for MET ART.
It's a Fire Crotch Friday
Earth,Wind,and Water.
Mix just the right amounts of each, forge with the Fire of Passion, and you get a work of art the likes of Aria.
And a brief glimpse at perfection.
More Fergie
Do NOT look into those eyes. This woman has lots of other interesting features to occupy your mind. I mean, just look at those legs. Then notice that she's wearing a wedding ring and think about whoever chased her down and put that ring on her finger. Now I'm in fairly decent condition for a 34 year old desk jockey. I'm readily willing to admit that in a fair race this girl would run circles around me. I've always joked that I want to live to be 100 and then be shot by some girls jealous lover, but I really don't want to meet the person who caught and claims Fergie, at least not for another sixty-five years or so. This may be my last Fergie gallery. Enjoy.
Fergie: Back Again
Introducing Katarina
Stefani: Make a Move on Me
As little girls we played in the sand box, built castles, and tried our best to keep everyone's attention focused on us. We got older and out grew that little sand box in the back yard. We upgraded the sandbox for the beach but those attention whoring skills we learned back then still serve us well. Taking your cloths off and playing naked in the sand still gets you lots of attention!
We're Having Company.
We're talking, of course, about two small asteroids, 2010 RF12 and 2010 RX30, that passed by Earth today closer than the Moon. This time lapse image is from Associazione Friulana di Astronomia e Meteorologia (don't freak, it's in English). I'll let them explain:
We have been able to follow-up 2010 RF12 few hours ago, on September 08 at at 06:45am UT (00:45am local time) through the GRAS network, using a scope located in Mayhill (NM). Below you can see our animation composed of 4 unfiltered exposures, 30-seconds each obtained by means of a 0.25-m, f/3.4 reflector + CCD:
If it's any comfort, we did know these guys were coming. They were discovered three days ago by the professional "Catalina Sky Survey" using the 1.5-m telescope at Mount Lemmon in Arizona. Granted, neither of these asteroids were big enough to do anything more than cause a nice light show had they fallen to earth. Bigger ones would have shown up sooner. But will we know in time to do anything about it? Until we have the option to pack up and leave the answer is "we'll never know". Till that day comes the best we can do is duck and pray.
Darina: Wet and Wild
I can't think of a better way to celebrate the unofficial end of the second hottest summer ever recorded in East Tennessee than to get naked and play in the river. In fact, Emily and I are headed out to do just that. See y'all at the swimming hole, MudPuppies.
Francine: Hirsute and Happy.
Beatrix: Endless Dream
Beatirx from FEMJOY
You look at women like Beatrix and you have to wonder if perhaps her parents belonged to a country club with it's own private, members-only, gene pool. It's a fact that none of my twenty siblings came out with nearly as nice a selection of parts as Beatrix was given. I'm not complaining, mind you, (I'm quite happy with the parts I have) but I still feel compelled to whine about the obvious injustice in natures lottery system for assigning beauty.
Morning Has Broken, but don't blame Alisa
Nothing matches the erotic thrill of waking up to see your lover bathed in the first light of dawn. Morning is the time for introspection, reflection, and hot, passionate sex while the coffee burns and the world starts without the two of you.
In this User Generated Gallery morning has broken, Alisa basks in the first light of dawn, and swears that she's not the one who broke it. I'm thinking she looks just a little guilty and a whole lot gorgeous.
More of the Amazing Fergie
More Millis

Millis A
As promised, more of the magnificent, genetically gifted, Millis. Gentlemen, it's not polite to drool --it's also bad for your keyboard, and remember ladies that Jealous Green is not a very flattering color. Just look and admire and dream of the day when we can order genes online and custom design our own offspring. Is that not a frightening thought?
Seriously Shapely

Millis A
Millis is one of those women who you want to believe cheated and took an extra lap around the gene pool. This lady has some serious curves. Click the picture for my User Generated Gallery of twenty images from this set by Tony Murano at Met-Art. We'll have another set of this curvy creature up tomorrow.
Bedroom Eyes
Grab your life vest, and you may want to bring a dive partner, and prepare to drown in Fergie's pale blue eyes. Then, if you can break eye contact, you might just notice that she's both naked and gorgeous.
The Huntress
Solomia is armed and on the prowl. And it may be you she has in the sights of her crossbow. But don't worry, she's an excellent shot and she likes to play with her prey before she totally devours it. You may not be long for this world, but you're going to die happy.
Idun: Goddess of Eternal Youth

Princess A
Again, please take time to vote for this User Generated Gallery (at the bottom of the linked set). I'm not really interested in winning anything, I just want to show the folks at Met-Art that women do look and that all of their audience isn't dirty old men.
Right Answer, Wrong Question.
This article at relates the case of a Missouri woman, identified only as "Jane Doe", who sued MRA Holding LLC and Mantra Films Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma, the producers and distributors of the 'Girls Gone Wild' video series.
Miss Doe was at a bar where a Girls Gone Wild cameraman was filming. She was dancing for the camera but had refused, on camera, to show her breasts. Another woman, without asking, pulled Doe's top down and footage of Miss Doe's bare breasts appear in one of the Girls Gone Wild commercial videos. Miss Doe contends that she never gave consent to appear topless, or otherwise, in the video. She did not sign any release forms, did not consent on camera, and in fact refuses to bare her breasts in the video.
An 11 member majority of the Jury decided that Doe had, in fact, consented by being in the bar and by dancing for the photographer. As much as I empathize with Miss Doe over the loss of her dignity, I have to agree with the jury on this decision. All they were asked to do -- and all that was allowed of them -- was to determine if Miss Doe had consented to be filmed. And that was entirely the wrong question for Miss Doe and her Lawyer to have asked.
I am not a Lawyer. I don't know what the statute of limitations is for sexual assult in Missouri, but it appears to me that Miss Doe was sexually assaulted. She was publicly disrobed without her consent. The cameraman was witness to this felonious assault and became an accessory by not interveining on Miss Doe's behalf. He knew from repeated statements she had made that Miss Doe did not want to be topless. But, instead of helping her recover from this uninvited attack, he kept on filming. The company then profited by using the video of the crime.
New Faces
Ksucha: Cavorting in the Surf at Sunset

Ksucha B
Silly girl, she's already the number one natural attraction that I want to explore when I
visit the Ukraine. Click the images for the full gallery.
August 15,2010---I've just redone the link for this gallery to point to MY Personal presentation of this gallery.
New Faces

Nastya E
Autobiographical Notes: Education-Biology 101
My education was proceeding nicely. I was learning the way children should learn: at their own pace, taking in information in whatever order I needed it to explain the world around me. I occasionally picked up useless bits of information that I didn't need immediately, and I stored them away, figuring they might come in handy later in life, once I got to go past the main gate without that damn dog dragging my butt back to the house.
Every few months, all of us kids would get scrubbed clean, loaded on the bus, and hauled to Chattanooga to take achievement tests required to show that we were learning up to the same level as public school kids. What a joke. The overall level of education would have been greatly improved if the State had required all the public school kids to come out to our farm and let us teach them how to run through a cow pasture without stepping in a fresh cow patty. The ability to shag fly balls in cow pasture softball and not have your Nikes become bovine scat collectors requires a level of hand-eye-foot coordination that you just can't learn anywhere else. That sub-conscious attention to the environment gives country kids a cognitive advantage in life. We make note of, and learn from, things that children educated in a sterile playground never even notice.
I had taken and passed the 7th grade standardized test for home schooled students and was well into the High School Curriculum when, just before my tenth birthday, a traumatic event occurred and changed my life forever. Puberty. I was not prepared for this. I had read about it. Puberty was something that happened to old people: you know – teenagers. I wasn't even ten yet and here this debilitating, age related affliction was attacking my lovely prepubescent body. I was devastated. I was growing boobs. I mean, I had plans for that year: trees to climb, brothers to harass, frogs to gig, snakes to catch. And every morning when I'd get up, my center of gravity would have left a forwarding address. In six months I grew three inches vertically. My body had apparently forgotten how to walk. Then my scrawny little golf club shaft of a body began to fill out. And out. And out. By my twelfth birthday I had reached my final adult size. 4'10-3/4” tall. 32C-20-32. With muscles.
During this two year period I was way too clumsy and uncoordinated to do much roaming around by myself. I still spent four or five hours a day outdoors doing chores and taking care of the kennel which had somehow become my domain. The rest of my time was spent indoors reading and studying. I actually had textbooks and everything! By my tenth birthday (03 July 1986) personal computers were fairly common even if they weren't very powerful. I was enrolled in an accredited correspondence based High School so that I could get a diploma without having to wait until I was 18 to take the GED. Being that we were in the age of HighTech®, all of the correspondence was done via an online BBS hosted on CompuServe. Access was via a 300 baud dial-up modem (later 1200 then 2400). They could actually overnight a disk with assignments faster than we could download them.
I finished all the required course work in September 1988 with a GPA of 3.9 out of 4. The one flaw in my perfect academic record was a biology course in genetics in which I received a D. The text used in the class was outdated and wrong. I submitted breed records from our farm to prove my point and current research from the University of Tennessee that agreed with my data. I was told that the text in use was the best available and was the standard in the field. Ergo, I was wrong. Bad call on their part. The Scientific Method says theory has to account for observed results or you have to adjust your theory.
The school wouldn't issue my degree until I turned 13 in July of 1989 which gave me nine months with nothing to do but try to correct this imbalance in the intellectual equilibrium of the universe. So I wrote to the publisher of the text book and pointed out the error of their ways. And they agreed. They already had a second edition in the works but it wouldn't be available for another year at the earliest. Meanwhile, they issued an addendum to the existing text that corrected the chapter on genetics and agreed that my answers had, in fact, been correct.
I finally graduated on July 5, 1989 with 24 credits and a 4.0 GPA. Whee!!!!1111!! I'd been a teenager for two whole days, I can't drive, I can't legally consent to have sex, I can't legally work more than 10 hours a week (somebody tell my parents that—please), but I have a high school diploma. I'm set for life. All I have to do now is hang out till I'm 18.
Autobiographical Notes: I was a free range young-un
Daddy passed away in 1998 when I was 22. He had set up a corporation to own the farm and issued 25 shares of stock. In his will he left one share to each of the surviving parents and one each to the 21 siblings who had grown up on the farm. This was the first time in my life I actually knew how many brothers and sisters I had. As it turns out I have two brothers and two sisters who are full siblings. Seven others are half siblings – two have the same mother and five the same father as I – and of the other nine, one is a neighbor girl who was being abused and came to our house for protection and the rest are offspring that have no blood relation. To avoid legal hassles, Doc and Celeste legally adopted every one of the children before they were a year old – except for Hope, who was 10 when she came to us for shelter.
I was a free range young-un. By the age of three I had taught myself to read and had more or less learned how to walk upright. Shortly after my third birthday momma put a harness on me, attached me to one of the German Shepherds and told the dog to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. Then she pointed me out the door, told me to go explore the world, and that if I had any questions come back and ask. Otherwise, she'd see me when I was 16 and ready for a drivers license. In the meantime, she reminded me, don't be late for dinner. I wasn't totally sure what the word meant but I was pretty certain that I had just been weened.
Before you start condemning my mother for child neglect, keep in mind that there were five adults, fourteen older children and a German Shepard nanny that out weighed me by a hundred pounds to look out for me. For the next seven years I wandered around the farm, got dirty, got in the way, asked all kinds of questions, and without anyone telling me it was happening, I was home schooled. And seldom late for dinner. I read everything I could get my hands on (a lot of it not necessarily age appropriate) and I learned who I could ask about certain things and when to keep my mouth shut. Up to a point. I never have quite mastered that art.
I'll continue with My Autobiographical Notes next time with 'Education: Biology 101'
Another Random Redhead

Natalie A
photographed by LEONARDO for
Here are twenty hand picked images from Natalie's latest set on Met-Art. Please take time to vote for this User Generated Gallery (at the bottom of the page). I'm not out to win any prizes. I'd just like to get their attention so that when a gurll has something to say about their site, they listen.
Happy Independence Day
A History of Redheads
Adjustments/Fine Tuning
Several of my friends, and a couple of total strangers, have commented that they would like to be able to open the blog and see what's new without any Not Safe For Work images or headlines jumping out at them from the home page. Mostly these are my friends who know that my vocabulary includes a whole bunch of highly descriptive Anglo-Saxon and early English agricultural nomenclature. A lot of these words are short, like only four letters. A few of them end with the letter "K". Some are even considered obscene. I vote we include "work" in that list.
So, what's going to change. Well, first of all, all the nekid women are moving to a page,or pages, of their own. Amy's Erotica will become a separate subsection as will several other categories or topics of posts. You'll know what they are as soon as I do. I'm hoping to have the Erotica section up and running by the end of this week and we'll see how things progress from there.
I'd love to hear your comments on the site so far either for publication or just for my ears. Your comments are always welcome.
We'll go no more a roving
On Tuesday, January 26, 2010, NASA announced that Spirit, that spunky little robot explorer thats been wandering around Mars for the past six years, is officially stuck and has been designated a fixed location science station. Operators are preparing it to hibernate through the long Martian winter in hopes that it can survive and continue to provide useful pictures and data for several more years.
Now, being rocket scientists, it only took them nine months to figure out that they couldn't go anywhere. I could have told them that when the bot first broke through the crust and started spinning its wheels. But I suppose I have an unfair advantage. Growing up on a farm you spend half of your time either stuck in the mud or pulling someone else out who is.
In the ongoing debate about sending men into space vs robots I generally side with sending the robots. The information return per dollar is much greater with robots than with humans. There is, however, something to be said for having a human around who can hop out, hook up a cable and come-a-long to the closest big rock, and ratchet the rover out of the sand pit when it gets mired down. A human operator on board might have avoided getting into the situation in the first place. But the original mission of Spirit was to spend three months exploring Mars. Had there been a human involved there would have been no choice but to pack up and come home before supplies ran out. And we would have missed out on almost six extra years of information that Spirit has been able to gather. The fact is that, despite 50 years of exploring and 10 years of maintaining a permanent crew aboard the International Space Station, we haven't learned to live in outer space: we just go there and camp out. We have to take everything we need with us. We can't just hang around for six extra years if we find something interesting.
If we, as humans, truly want to explore the outer solar system and beyond we should concentrate our efforts on the design and construction of a habitat capable of supporting human life outside the earth's atmosphere and independent of earth's support. Only then will we be free to explore.
Relief Efforts for Haiti
I'm aware that times are very tough for the majority of the average workers worldwide but, if you have anything at the moment, it's more than a lot of the people of Haiti can claim. Give what you can, and make your gifts count. Make sure you're giving to an organization that gets the aid into the field and not into the pocket of some fund raiser. Instead of texting $10 to the Red Cross and having $1 or more of it disappear along the way in bank and phone charges go to the bank and withdraw the money, take it to the local Red Cross office, and--while you're there--ask what they need in addition to money. They probably have a very long list of volunteer jobs that need to be filled to support their relief efforts. And there will be lots of other groups who can use your labor, your soon to be out of date canned food, serviceable used cloths, shoes, and lots of other items you just might have lying around. Check for local churches and civic organizations that are mounting relief efforts and pitch in.
Synchronized Snoring
Yesterday's anticipated heat wave amounted to a blazing high of 33° F. Nothing thawed. The body count in front of the fireplace has actually increased by two. That's an even dozen people in the living room, four in the office, Emily and I in the loft above the office, and six more in the two bedrooms in the basement. So, I'm lying here listening to the collective breathing of everyone and wondering what kind of load rating I used when I designed the floor trusses for this place. Twenty-four people in a cabin I designed to be cozy for just Emily and I!
Well, it's just real cozy about now. I'm writing this at 3:00 AM while listening to the whole damn family snore, in unison. Except for Emily, the poor dear. Em and I have lived together for eight years now and my family considers her one of us. Her genes,though, just don't quit know how to adapt to some our ways. Like, apparently, snoring together. She's just not quite in sync. In fact, she's so out of sync that it's driving me nuts. So I wake her up.
If there were an empty couch in this house, I'd be sleeping on it for the next week.
Long Hair Fetish
Just so you don't get the idea that I'm totally fixated on redheads, I do have other fantasies that occupy my mind. Like long hair. It can be almost any color. Straight or curly. Doesn't matter so long as the woman sporting it knows how to use it to her advantage. Here's an example:
We've been having WEATHER
I really didn't intend to skip ten days without posting but Mother Nature is a bitch. When you live on a farm, even if you claim you don't work there, when the weather goes to hell, you either work or get disowned.
We're in the middle of the longest, coldest winter freeze the region has seen since 1985. The long underwear I had in 1985 has long since been eaten by moths and I've grown a bit since then ( I was 9 that winter ). There used to be equipment here to handle this kind of cold but none of it has been used in 25 years and most of it refuses to work any more. So everyone, whether we're dressed for the occasion or not, has been drafted and has been working overtime hauling feed and water for the critters. And we're counting ourselves among the critters. One third of the houses on the farm are without water and one quarter are without heat and power. Anyone with a fireplace is very popular right now. I only have two bedrooms but I've got ten people sleeping in front of the living room fireplace. One of my sisters, her husband, and two daughters have commandeered my office for the duration.
It's supposed to get above freezing tomorrow for the first time in over ten days. Which means all the pipes will thaw and leak and the nice solid frozen ground will turn to mud. And we all shift from disaster response to cleanup and repair.
I'd tell you that life should be back to normal by March but I live on a farm: this is normal.
BiGurll's Random Redheads
What better for the first post of the year than a naked redhead?
I have a thing for redheads. I think it's genetic. I will be, from time to time, posting images of or links to interesting redheaded women. If you happen to be a drop dead redhead and want to show the world just how sexy gingers can really be, contact me.
You can click on the image of Witta A. from MetArt to see more of this set.